Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. The challenger’s budget of $63 for five days includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day. The challenge takes place February 10th until February 15th, 2019.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day One:
I woke up this morning and opened up my first challenge card. "You are staying in a shelter. The shelter doesn't open until 8 pm. Find somewhere to go from 6-8 (don't rely on friends or family)."
I thought of this for a bit and decided the rec center would be a good place to spend time while waiting for the shelter to open at 8 pm.
Being the first day of the five day challenge, I ventured to Walmart and Safeway to purchase food items for my five day meal plan. At first I found it quite difficult to plan the meals based on a limited budget of $63.00. I'm happy to report that I found some really good deals on healthy food and spent a total of $47.66 for my five day meal plan. That leaves me with a whopping $15.34. I'm crossing my fingers that will get me through the rest of the week and will take care of any incidentals that cross my path. Au revoir day one. Bring on day two!

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